Symbols of the Harlot – Part V

How many of you recognize the map headlining today’s blog post? What if I told you, that map, drawn by Major Pierre Charles L’Enfant (a Freemason from the Holland Lodge No. 8 at 66 Crown Street, New York City), was more than just the basis for what would become the most powerful city in the history of the world, but that this map also connected the lives of several influential Americans to an ancient Biblical prophecy in a most surprising way?

Pretty incredible claim, don’t you think?

Well, if you read any of the articles in this series, then you already know that the history we’ve explored together is truly stranger than fiction, but in this blog post we are going to exemplify that axiom in a way that will forever change how you look at Masonry’s influence on early American history.

Today, we are going to explore how Major L’Enfant’s unusual design for the Federal City (later to be known as Washington D.C.), intertwined the lives of George Washington, the first President of the United States, Charles Thomson, the Secretary of the Continental Congress, Major Pierre Charles L’Enfant, and Confederate Brigadier General & Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Freemasonry Albert Pike, the famous confederate war criminal, Freemason, and racist.

Major L’Enfant and the Map of DC
Our story beings in 1791 when President George Washington, authorized by an act of Congress, appointed Major Pierre Charles L’Enfant to design the Federal City of the United States which later became known as Washington City and subsequently the federal District of Columbia. L’Enfant immediately set to work under the guidance of a three person commission. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson also advised L’Enfant and the design committee during this time.

click on image to enlarge Jenkins Hill

The focus of the map was centered on Jenkin’s Hill (Francis Pope’s original Rome Hill) which L’Enfant designated with the longitude of 0:0. L’Enfant described Jenkin’s Hill as a “pedestal awaiting a monument”. Later Thomas Jefferson renamed Jenkins hill, Capitol Hill in honor of the ancient Roman republic upon which many of our founders sought to pattern our new government.

It turns out L’Enfant was a rather disagreeable man and after nearly a year George Washington replaced him with Andrew Ellicott. Ellicott made several minor changes to L’Enfant’s map but the overall design was not materially changed.

A Map with Masonic Symbolism
Conspiracy theorists have long claimed that Washington DC was designed with occult symbolism in mind. Like a giant city size dot to dot, pentagrams, compasses, crosses, triangles, pyramids, and other occult patterns have been found but the contextual justification for them being part of a larger “conspiracy” is often lacking. Kind of like a constellation of stars without the story, just a bunch of points, lines, and vivid imaginations.

But there is at least one true story in all the points and lines of L’Enfant’s map. The story begins with Charles Thomson’s seal in 1782. In our last blog post Symbols of the Harlot – Part IV, we learned that Thompson’s design for the reverse of the Great Seal featured a 13 level unfinished pyramid, the capstone of which (the 14th level) hung over the unfinished work with its ever watchful and radiant eye of “Divine Providence”. That’s the official story given for public consumption anyway. L’Enfant’s map provides us with a different version of that story. Here take a look at L’Enfant’s map once more.

click on map to enlarge

As you can see from this overlay, a pyramid centered on the White House can be drawn over L’Enfant’s original design. This pyramid is not arbitrary, as you will find faint lines on L’Enfant’s map which represent it. (click on the map to enlarge) The design begins to move from circumstantial to intentional when you realize that there are 13 levels to this pyramid ending at what we know today as Dupont and Logan circles. Here take a look at a Google version of the map as it is today:

click on map to enlarge

But that’s not the real surprise. Notice in the satellite version of the map that in the capstone of the pyramid there is a rather large building on the East side of 16th street corresponding to the All-Seeing Eye in Charles Thomson’s design of the Great Seal.

That building has a rather interesting history. The building was designed by John Russell Pope in 1910. Construction began in 1911 with the ceremonial cornerstone being laid on October 18, 1911. The building, modeled after the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, is 130 tall and surrounded by 33 columns, each 33 feet high. The roof has 13 layers which from street level gives it the appearance of an unfished pyramid. When looking down from above one can see the 14th level is a glass capstone completing the pyramid shaped roof as can be seen in this Google map view of the building below.

Based upon L’Enfants original design this building resides on the 14th city block from the US Capitol building. Or in other words there are 13 blocks between it and the US Capitol. By now you’ve probably got an inkling of this buildings identity. To save you further guessing let me show you what is written over the bronze entrance door of this impressive building:

“Freemasonry Builds its Temples in the Hearts of Men and among Nations”

The building is called the House of the Temple and is the headquarters of Scottish Rite Freemasonry’s 33 degree Supreme Council also known as the Mother Council of the World. So right where the All-Seeing Eye is represented on Charles Thomson’s original design of the Great Seal we have represented – on a map of Washington, D.C. – a Masonic Temple which is home to Freemasonry’s Mother Council of the World.

Hard to call this all a coincidence, isn’t it?

With what we have learned about Masonry in the last several articles, the symbolism is rather obvious. The Scottish Rite Freemasonry Mother Council of the World sees their organization as the watchful eye, the guiding light, and the protector of the United States government. Their guidance brings with it a world view that is anathema to the Judeo-Christian principles that we and many of our founders held dear. That world view we now know as secular humanism.

I know it is rather difficult to fathom, but Freemasonry, by their own admission, is a secretive organization which by its own traditions traces its origins to ancient Babylon; an organization that proudly believes, it has a responsibility to influence the affairs of our country and guide our nation towards a secular humanist utopia.

Let’s briefly look at this goal of a secular humanist utopia in the words of one of its respected adherents, 33 Degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall. Take a few moments to read the following quotes from Hall’s book, The Secret Destiny of America written in 1944:

The Purpose of Secret Societies

For more than three thousand years, secret societies have labored to create the background of knowledge necessary to the establishment of an enlightened democracy among the nations of the world … The Creek Dionysians were social and political temple builders, known as the Collegians in later Rome. … The rise of the Christian Church brought persecution of the classical intellectual pattern’s ideology, driving the guilds into greater secrecy; but all have continued searching for human happiness under a variety of rituals and symbols; and they still exist, as the Order of the Quest.

Today’s thinking toward a democratic world state is neither a new trend nor an accidental circumstance; the work of setting up the background of knowledge necessary to the establishing of enlightened democracy among all nations has been carried on for many hundreds of years by secret societies….

Secret societies have had concealment and protection as the first purpose for their existence. The members of these orders were party to some special knowledge, they usually took part in certain rites and rituals not available to non-members, but it was more important that through the societies they were also able to practice beliefs and doctrines in private for which they would have been condemned and persecuted if these rites were made public.

A second purpose for secret societies was to create a mechanism for the perpetuation from generation to generation of policies, principles, or systems of learning, confined to a limited group of selected and initiated persons. (Hall, Manly P.. The Secret Destiny of America, Kindle Locations 547-553. Arkosh Publishing)

Sir Francis Bacon and the New Atlantis

Rawley writes in his introduction to Bacon’s the New Atlantis, “This fable My Lord devised, to the end that he might exhibit therein, a model or description of a college, instituted for the interpreting of nature, and the producing of great and marvelous works, for the benefit of men; under the name of Solomon’s house, or the college of the six days work.” The college of the six days work is, of course, a thinly veiled reference to the perfection of nature through art. The six days are the days of creation by which the natural world was brought into existence, according to the account given in Genesis. As God created the Universe in six symbolic days, so man by art– that is, philosophy–must create the condition of his own perfection by means of six philosophical steps. (Hall, Manly P.. The Secret Destiny of America Kindle Locations 915-922 Arkosh Publishing)

The New Atlantis [Sir Francis Bacon’s] describes the magnificence of the college of the six days work…

It is difficult to understand how this reference to a secret order has passed unnoticed for so long, for it is scarcely less than a proclamation of the Society of Unknown Philosophers. The name of the land in which stood the Wise Man’s City was Bensalem; this means the Son of Peace. Bensalem maintained a trade with all parts of the world, but not for gold, silver, jewels, silks, spices, nor any other material commodity; its merchandise was the Light of Truth. Among the nations traded with was Atlantis, which was declared to be the same as America. (Hall, Manly P.. The Secret Destiny of America Kindle Locations 941-952)

The University of Six Days Work

The great University of the Six Days Work must be built here in our Western world, to become a guide unto the nations. About this shrine to Universal Truth shall rise the democratic Commonwealth–the wealth of all mankind. This is the destiny for which we were brought into being. The plan, which was devised in secrecy long ago, and in far places, shall be fulfilled openly … as the greatest wonder born out of time. (Hall, Manly P.. The Secret Destiny of America Kindle Locations 1763-1767. Arkosh Publishing. Kindle Edition.)

In America shall be erected a shrine to Universal Truth, as here arises the global democratic Commonwealth–the true wealth of all mankind, which is designed in the foundation that men shall abide together in peace and shall devote their energies to the common cause of discovery.

… The power of man lies in his dreams, his visions, and his ideals. This has been the common vision of man’s necessity in the secret empire of the Brotherhood of the Quest, consecrated to fulfilling the destiny for which we in America were brought into being. (Hall, Manly P.-The Secret Destiny of America Kindle Locations 1676-1682 Kindle Edition.)

A Masonic Timeline
To be sure not all founders or even all Masons saw the founding of our nation as the “college of six days work” as described by Hall. But it is indisputable that Masonry today does in fact see itself as the guardians of the philosophy which leads mankind to the light of knowledge and liberty. Briefly let’s look at the Masonic timeline of the Great Seal and related events so you understand the chronological context of their powerful influence on America, its government, and institutions.

The Great Seal with its pyramid and All-Seeing Eye became the official emblems of the United States.


L’Enfant’s plan of Washington, D.C., incorporated this same Pyramid and Capstone.


Scottish Rite Freemasonry added a finishing touch to the map of Washington, D.C., in 1911, when they laid the cornerstone for their House of the Temple. From this date forward they boldly proclaimed their influence on the United States government.


Do you know that up until 1935 the reverse side of the Great Seal (the pyramid and eye) was basically unknown to the American populous? For all intents and purposes, it had remained hidden from public view. Then in 1934 Henry A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture (future vice president of the US), suggested to President Roosevelt that he place the Great Seal on a US coin. Keep in mind here that at this time Wallace and Roosevelt were both 32nd degree Freemasons. Here is Wallace’s account:

“In 1934, when I was Secretary of Agriculture, I was waiting in the outer office of Secretary Hull, and as I waited I amused myself by picking up a State Department publication which was on the stand there entitled, The History of the Seal of the United States. Turning to page 53, I noted the colored reproduction of the reverse side of the Seal. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum impressed me as meaning the New Deal of the Ages. Therefore I took the publication to President Roosevelt and suggested a coin be put out with the obverse and reverse side of the seal. Roosevelt, as he looked at [the] colored reproduction of the Seal, was first struck with the representation of the ‘All-Seeing Eye,’ a representation of The Great Architect of the Universe. Next he was impressed with idea that the foundation for the new order of the ages had been laid in 1776, but that it would be completed only under the eye of the Great Architect. Roosevelt, like myself, was a 32nd degree Mason, He suggested that the Seal be put out on the dollar bill rather than a coin, and took the matter up with the Secretary of the Treasury.”

Interestingly, it was Roosevelt who placed the pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye in the primary position on the one dollar bill instead of the secondary position where it would have naturally been placed due to its subordinate position on the reverse side of the Seal. In any case, it was 1935, when the Great Seal was represented on our currency and since that day has become the most recognizable symbol of the United States.

Few serious scholars of Masonic history underestimate the influence Albert Pike had on Freemasonry in America during the 20th century. Many consider him the guiding light of American Masonry. Pike was so important to Freemasonry that even though he was a Confederate war criminal and a racist, he is the only Confederate soldier to be honored with an outdoor statue in Washington, D.C.

Pike was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry from 1859 until his death in 1891. Upon his death, he was buried in Oak Hill cemetery, but in 1944 his remains were exhumed and then reburied (by a special act of Congress) in the House of the Temple in honor of his profound influence on American Freemasonry. Pike’s writings, especially his magnum opus – Morals and Dogma, codified for Freemasonry the enlightened (luciferian) humanist philosophy which has been the driving force of Masonry to this day. It’s perfectly fitting that Pike’s remains now have that honored position in the House of the Temple as a talisman of Masonry’s philosophical humanist enlightenment.

Supreme Court (

By the mid 1940’s, thanks to the appointments of Freemasonic President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Supreme Court was packed with a majority of men who were Freemasons. This court was instrumental in undermining Judeo-Christian principles in the public sphere. This pivotal point in US history was the catalyst which accelerated America’s moral decline and which led to secular humanism as the de facto law of the land.

2008 – It’s No Longer a Secret
It’s rather sobering to realize that Masons like Manly P. Hall see Masonry’s influence in the American affairs as part of a larger effort related to Sir Francis Bacon’s so called “college of six days work”. It’s further sobering to consider that in 2008 the World Council of Freemasonry held their annual World Masonic Congress in Washington, D.C.,and as part of this momentous occasion they issued commemorative coins to attendees which boldly show their view of where Masonry stands in relation to the founding of the United States and their part in the Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Order of the Ages).

Notice any pretexted that Judeo-Christian God was the watchful eye over the American enterprise has been removed and replaced with the masonic symbols of the square and compass. Also notice that on the base of the pyramid the date 1776 has been replace with the year 6008 Anno Lucis (year of the light). This date acknowledges that the college of six days work (six thousand years) has been achieved and now Masonry has entered that prophesied utopian age, its seventh millennium, the prophesied 1000 years have arrived and Masonry and its “god” of knowledge and enlightenment is there to guide humanity into this new age.

The All-Seeing Eye of Masonry
As disturbing as the symbolism is to many of you, I don’t want you to finish this article without truly understanding, how Masonry sees the All-Seeing Eye and the “god” this eye represents – it bears repeating in their own words:

The combination of the Phoenix, the pyramid, and the all-seeing eye is more than chance or coincidence. There is nothing about the early struggles of the colonists to suggest such a selection to farmers, shopkeepers, and country gentlemen. There is only one possible origin for these symbols, and that is the secret societies which came to this country 150 years before the Revolutionary War. Most of the patriots who achieved American independence belonged to these societies, and derived their inspiration, courage, and high purpose from the ancient teaching. There can be no question that the great seal was directly inspired by these orders of the human Quest, and that it set forth the purpose far this nation as that purpose was seen and known to the Founding Fathers. (Hall, Manly P.. The Secret Destiny of America Kindle Locations 1579-1585 Kindle Edition.)

The All-Seeing Eye may have denoted the Divine omniscience. Also, it may have symbolized any one or more of some five or six other truths or ideas. It may have denoted the sun originally, as it came up at dawn – it had been thus used by Shakespeare and many other writers. It may have meant the Grand Master or the worshipful Master, and been a reminder of the fact that wherever a man is and in whatever he may be doing he continues to be a Mason, and the eye of the Craft is on him. It may have stood for enlightenment, wisdom, intelligence ; and it may have been the Tracing Board representation of the Blazing Star in the Tessellated Pavement, in which case it was again the sun, or day-star, which shines on through day and night. ( attributed to Mackey’s masonic dictionary.)

That Osiris and Isis were the Sun and Moon, is attested by many ancient writers; by Diogenes Laertius, Plutarch, Lucian, Suidas, Macrobius, Martianus Capella, and others. His power was symbolized by an Eye over a Sceptre. The Sun was termed by the Greeks the Eye of Jupiter, and the Eye of the World; and his is the All-Seeing Eye in our Lodges…

Osiris was the same God known as Bacchus, Dionusos, and Serapis. Serapis is the author of the regularity and harmony of the world. (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma p.307.)

Roman Coins showing temples honoring the god Seraphis circa 300 BC






The Masonic World View verses the Christian World View
This series of blog posts has looked at the ancient religion of Mystery Babylon first introduced to mankind by the Serpent in Eden. This new religious doctrine promised mankind that if they eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would become gods. In its essence this doctrine is humanism. It is the belief that mankind outside of the direction, commandments, or instructions of YHWH can attain divinity or in other words mankind, by our own efforts can raise ourselves to be equal to YHWH, the living God of the Bible.

This humanist philosophy has been perfected by the secretive organization we know today as Freemasonry. I want to make clear here that this is not a struggle against individual masons. I have friends and acquaintances who are masons and they are no worse or better people than you and I. The problem is that Masonry as an organization has as its core the religious philosophy of Mystery Babylon and they have promoted that philosophy more effectively than any other organization in the history of the world. Always remember the struggle is not with flesh and blood:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)

Remember Masonry is just one of the many faces of Mystery Babylon. In these articles I’ve used their history as it relates to the founding and influence on the United States, because it perfectly illustrates their goals and their methods and symbols used in achieving those goals.

America is just one of many nations of this world. Our greatness to the extent any of this world’s nations and institutions have any inherent greatest, is directly proportional to the respect and willingness their citizens have to follow the Judeo-Christian principles given by YHWH, the living God of the Bible.

In a quote attributed to the French philosopher Alexis De Tocqueville when visiting America in search of the reasons for her greatness, it is believed he said the following:

“America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

No matter who wrote those words they are definitely worth repeating and remembering because they echo an ancient proverb:

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14:34)

Contrasting the Symbolism of Masonry and the Bible
As you have seen in this article, Masonry and the Bible have competing eschatological world views. These world views, in the not too distant future, will require all mankind to choose sides. So that you are prepared to stand, let’s once more contrast these opposing views.

Masonry’s humanist philosophy is eloquently illustrated by Freemasonic scholar William J. Hutchinson (1732-1814) in the following quote from his lecture entitled The Spirit of Masonry:

Masonry directs us to divest ourselves of confined and bigoted notions, and teaches us, that Humanity is the soul of Religion. We never suffer any religious disputes in our Lodges, and, as Masons, we only pursue the universal religion, the Religion, of Nature.

Worshipers of the God of Mercy, we believe that in every nation, he that feareth Him and worketh righteousness is accepted of Him. All Masons, therefore, whether Christians, Jews, or Mahomedans, who violate not the rule of right, written by the Almighty upon the tables of the heart, who Do fear Him, and WORK righteousness, we are to acknowledge as brethren; and, though we take different roads, we are not to be angry with, or persecute each other on that account.
We mean to travel to the same place; we know that the end of our journey is the same; and we affectionately hope to meet in the Lodge of perfect happiness.

Now contrast this with the New Testament’s explanation of how mankind reaches the eternal state of happiness:

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:4-9)

Our future dwelling with Christ comes not by our own works, but rather it is a free gift of YHWH. Paul explains that the reason salvation is a gift is so that mankind cannot boast in our own efforts. Do you understand that Paul here is challenging the very heart of Mystery Babylon’s religion? The humanist promises that mankind by our own efforts will become gods and this philosophy is the core of Freemasonry.

To really drive this home, here is a quote and picture from 33rd degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall’s book, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry which represents this philosophy in occult symbolism:

“In this picture is concealed the allegory of the Lost Word. The Master Mason, having completed his labors, becomes a worker on a higher plane than the one in which the ordinary builder is permitted to work. The Master Mason becomes the capstone of the Universal Temple.”

Do you understand how blasphemous this statement really is? Remember when Yeshua spoke to the religious leaders of His day telling them that He was the stone which the builders rejected which would become the “head” or capstone of the corner (building).

Satan’s challenge to Gods authority hasn’t changed since Eden. Just like the religious leaders of Yeshua’s day, today’s Masonry rejects Yeshua as the capstone and in His place they elevate themselves and mankind.

Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. (Matthew 21:42-44)

For those of you who want to challenge the doctrine of humanism as expressed by words and symbolism of Freemasonry, the apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, especially chapter 2, is a powerful rebuttal. As quoted above in Ephesians 2:4-8, Paul explains how salvation is not by our own works but by YHWH’s grace through Yeshua’s atoning blood. Paul goes even further in chapter 2 by speaking against one of the chief symbols of Masonry, i.e. humanity as the capstone. He explains how Yeshua, not mankind, is the chief cornerstone.

But there is another powerful symbolic challenge to Masonry in Ephesians 2 and it gets to the very heart of the message that a 13 level pyramid and its 14th level capstone are mankind’s ticket to heaven.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them…

But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;…

Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:8-22)

Never loose sight of the fact that salvation is by faith, God’s gracious gift to mankind, namely Yeshua (YHWH’s Salvation). Next, Paul explains that because of Yeshua’s death and resurrection (his blood atonement), mankind, both Jews and Gentiles, now have access to God and by extension, eternal life.

For those of you who have read my book The 13th Enumeration: Key to the Bible’s Messianic Symbolism, you already understand the symbolism Paul is trying to express in Ephesians 2:13-14. For those who have not read the book you’ll be thrilled to understand the symbolism Paul is expressing here.

During the 2nd temple only Jewish people could approach the temple proper and by extension the presence of God. The gentiles where prohibited from approaching the temple proper by a wall which had a warning written on it, that any gentile who stepped beyond the barrier would be put to death. Paul explained that by Yeshua’s death and resurrection this barrier was broken down. During the time period when Yeshua and the apostles walked those ancient stones, that barrier was accessed by 14 steps and entry into the temple was accessed through one of 13 gates. 13 & 14 were the symbolic barriers which separated mankind from the presence of God and by implication eternal life.

Now contrast this with Masonry view of mankind’s journey through life (represented by a pyramid of 13 levels) and mankind’s reaching the status as a god (represented by the capstone, the 14th level).

And just in case you don’t get the total picture, the apostle Paul finishes Ephesian’s 2 by explaining that Yeshua (the 13th & 14th generation of Matthew 1) is in fact the capstone under which all mankind is gathered into a “holy temple in the Lord”.

Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; 20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,

Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 

In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:19-22)

So I have one final question for you …

Who is the capstone (head) of your temple?

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?

for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (2 Corinthians 6:14-16)

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:  From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. (Ephesians 4:15-16 )

The Mystery Babylon Series
Part 1 The Mother of Harlots
Part 2 The Religion of the Harlot
Part 3  Babylon and the Harlot
Part 4 Conspiracies of the Harlot – Part I
Part 5 Conspiracies of the Harlot – Part II
Part 6 Symbols of the Harlot – Part I
Part 7 Symbols of the Harlot – Part II 
Part 8 Symbols of the Harlot – Part III
Part 9 Symbols of the Harlot – Part IV
Part 10 Symbols of the Harlot – Part V
Part 11 Homo Deus

* * *

Book 1
Book I - Description

The 13th Enumeration
"A book that will change how you look at the Bible's Messianic Symbolism."

Book 2
Book 2 - Description

Daniel's 70 Weeks -
"A book that will forever change how you understand the Bible's greatest Messianic prophecy."

Book 3
Book 3 - Description

The Jubilee Code -
"A book that will show you real Biblical evidence for Yahweh's guiding in hand history bringing about His redemptive plan for mankind."


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