For my subscribers who have so patiently waited for The Jubilee Code I’m pleased to announce that Book III in my Prophecies & Patterns series is finally finished and available for download.
The past couple of years there has been a lot of talk about the Jubilee and Sabbath cycles and their relevance to Bible prophecy. Most of you have probably read Jonathan Cahn’s – Mystery of the Shemitah, Daniel Goodwins – God’s Final Jubilee, or Gideon Ariel & Bob O’Dell’s – Israel First. Each of these books and many others have explored the Shemitah and juiblee cycles with an eye towards understanding how they related to the day and age in which we live. If you’ve read any of these books you’ve probably noticed that they present their case without much of a Biblical foundation.
The Jubilee Code is different than most of todays books on the subject in that it provides you with a real contextual basis for understanding the Shemitah and Jubilee cycles in the Bible. Are you wondering if the year 2017 is a Jubilee year like many are claiming today? The Jubilee Code will provide you with real Biblical evidence to evaluate those claims. Have you ever wondered if there is any Biblical evidence for dating the Shemitah as many of todays popular authors suggest? The Jubilee Code will provide you with reasonable Biblical facts so that you can decide for yourself.
Part 1 of the book explores the Biblical chronology upon which the Jubilee and Shemitah cycles are based. Then in Part 2, I overlay the Shemiah and jubilee cycles on top of the Bibles chronology with amazing results.
What you’ll see is that YHWH has been guiding history so that He can accomplish His plan to reconcile all mankind through Yeshua. That is the story of the Jubilee Code. It is a testimony of YHWH’s Salvation as it is worked out through the Biblical ages. The Jubilee Code puts YHWH’s redemptive plan in context.
So if you’d like to begin another adventure with me in YHWH’s amazing word I’d encourage you to spend a few hours reading The Jubilee Code: Prophetic Milestones in Yahweh’s Redemptive Plan.
As promised, verified blog subscribers can download the book for free here: The Jubilee Code Please note that the above link is only for verified blog subscribers. If you are not a subscriber you can subscribed in the link below and you will be direct to the download page from there.
For those who do not wish to subscribe, the book will be made available in the coming weeks at most digital retailers free of charge. Sometimes this takes a few weeks to work through the system so please be patient. The Prophecy & Patterns series is a labor of love for me and the books will always be made available free of charge when possible or in the case of the printed version, at cost.
I hope these books strengthen your faith in the knowledge that YHWH loves you and He has, from the very beginning of time, had a plan to redeem all mankind through Yeshua the promised Messiah. Even so come, Yeshua!
Warm regards to you all this warm Arizona evening – William Struse
FREE Book Download:
If you would like to learn more about Biblical history and Bible prophecy, you might also appreciate my books in the Prophecies and Patterns series.
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