Today, many students of Bible prophecy see the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland as one of the “super” signs, that our generation is living in the season of Yeshua’s return. There are some Christians today though, who believe that YHWH’s promises to the Jewish people were superseded by the Church and that the nation of Israel today is nothing more than a historical coincidence helped along by overzealous believers who take Bible prophecy too literally.
This past month I’ve had the privilege of reading two excellent books which address this subject. The first was written by Samuel Whitefield entitled – One King: A Jesus-Centered Answer to the Question of Zion and the People of God, the second was by Thomas Ice entitled – The Case for Zionism: Why Christians Should Support Israel. Both books were well written but from slightly different perspectives.
Mr. Whitefield’s book looked at the subject from a more theological and Biblically based perspective
while Mr. Ice’s looked at the subject from a Biblical and a historically legal sense. Although, the authors come at the subject from slightly different theological perspectives, their books complement each other and together make a compelling case for the nation of Israel as a fulfilment of Bible prophecy.
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Today, I want to look at the subject of Zion and restoration of Israel in terms of the Bible’s chronology and the Jubilee cycles. As you will see, Israel’s restoration to the Promised Land as an independent nation was not coincidence, Continue reading →