Editors Note:
The following charts and tables are from Davidson and Aldersmith’s book The Great Pyramid: It’s Divine Message, 1924. The charts explain the evolution of the Jewish Rabbinical Systems of Biblical chronology from the original Hebrew. This evolution is shown to be directly related to the messianic expectations of the Jewish people in the 1st centuries BC and AD.
Charts and tables have been edited for clarity by William Struse.
A.K. Dates = Anno Kalendri (Year of Adam basis)
The Original Hebrew Chronology and the Evolution of the Jewish Rabbinical Systems of Chronology from the Original Hebrew. Basis of evolution – Darus I = “Darius even Artaxerxes,” Ezra vi, 14, and Daniel’s Prophecy relating to 69 Weeks and a 70th Week (Dan. Ix)
Annotations (A) & (B) – PDF – JPEG
The Original Hebrew Chronology

Annotations (C) – PDF – JPEG
The Original Hebrew Chronology

Annotations (D) – PDF –JPEG
The Chronological System of Josephus

Annotations (E) – PDF – JPEG
The Evolution of the Jewish Chronology

Annotations (f) – PDF – JPEG
The Evolution of the Jewish Chronology

Referred to in Annotation (D) above.

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Partial Index of Tables from Davidson’s & Aldersmith’s – Pyramid Records |
Click to Enlarge
XXth Dynasty Datings of Annual Festivals
Ptolemaic Datings for the Osirian Festival Rites
Synoptical History of Greek Geometry and Astronomy
(A) Dated List of known Phoenix Cycles
(B) The Fictitious Chronology of the Egyptian King Lists based on erroneous period of the Phoenix Cycle
Detailed Data Relating to the Phoenix Cycles
Dynasty XVIII. Reigns
Dynasty XIX. Reigns
Chronology of Egyptian Dynasties XVIII and XIX
The Chronology is Astronomically Fixed as follows:
The Chronology of Dynasty XII
(I) – The Duration of Dynasty XII Reigns and Their Chronological Placing
(II) – The Incursion of the Hysksos in Relation to Dynasties XII and XVIII
Dynasties XII and XIII
(I) – Amenemhat III and the Hyksos Mathematical Papyrus
(II) – The Hyksos Aggression in Relation to Amenemhat and Egyptian Work in the Delta
The Evolution of the Fictitious Egyptian Chronology from the Original Astronomical Chronology of the Ancient Egyptians
The Year Datings on the Rind Mathematical Papyrus
The Sed Hebs of Dynasties XVIII and XIX. The periods of the Sep Tep Sed Heb
Chronological Table of the 1st Dynasty of Babylon and the Ksassite Dynasty, with their Assyrian and Sea-land Contemporaries
The Contemporaneity of the dynasty of Hyksos, and of Dynasties XII and XVIII, in Succession, in Egypt, with the 1st Dynasty of Babylon and the Dynasty of Kassites, during the Period of the Rise and Extablishing of the Hittite Empire
Annotations to Tables XVII to XIX.
The Evolution of Babylonian Schemes of Chronology
Annotations to Tables XVII to XIX.
The Explanation of Late Asssyrian and Babylonian Chronological Statements
Annotations to Tables XVII to XIX.
The Explanation of Late Asssyrian and Babylonian Chronological Statements
Annotations to Tables XVII to XIX.
Khammurabi, Abraham, and Senusert III, in Relation to the Hittites and Hyksos
The True Chronology of the Babylonian Dynastic Tablet from B.C. 1458-731. 2nd Dynasty of Isin to 2nd Dynasty of Babylon Inclusive
The Chronology of the Period of Assyrian Suremacy
The “Accession Year” and the “Frist Year”
The Dates in Ptolemy’s Canon of Babylonian Kings
The Chronological Data Fixing the Chronology of The Babylonian-Caldaean Monarchy Nabopolassar to Nabonidos inclusive
Annotations to Table XXI
Synchronistic Narratives of the Book of Genesis and the Records of the XIIth and XVIIIth Egyptian Dynasties
The Egyptian Record of Joseph’s Famine.
The Rise and Fall of the Semites in Egypt
The Chronological Sequence of Events Including the Exodus of Israel
From the Harris Papyrus Interregnum to the Persian Conquest of Egypt
The Astronomical Data
The Problem of the Reign of Psamtek I and its Solution
The Resulting Statement of the Sequence of Historical Events
Chronology of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, from the Division in the Kingdom to the Destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, 970 B.C. to 584 B.C.
Synchronistic Statement of the Reigns of the Kings of Judah and the Kings of Israel
Outstanding Dates relating to the History of the Kings of Judah and Israel (Table XXV)
Egyptian Synchronisms With Kings of Israel and Judah
Facts Ignored in the Assyrian Eponym Lists
Sargon and Sennacherib Fix the Dates of Hezekiah’s Reign
A – Medo-Persian Kings – Cyrus to Darius III
B – The 2nd Years employed in Jewish Chronological Forgeries
(I) – Cyrus, Cambyses, and Darius (I) Hystaspes:
(II) – The Combined Narrative of Darius (Behistun Insc.) & Herodotus:
The Original Hebrew Chronology and the Evolution of the Jewish Rabbinical Systems of Chronology from the Original Hebrew. Basis of evolution – Darus I = “Darius even Artaxerxes,” Ezra vi, 14, and Daniel’s Prophecy relating to 69 Weeks and a 70th Week (Dan. Ix)
The Original Hebrew Chronology
The Original Hebrew Chronology