Mr. Salvation, son of Nun!

Just about everyone has heard of a “Son of a Gun” or the “Son of Man” or the “Son of God” but, a Son of Nun? You may be surprised to learn that you already know this individual. Mr. Salvation, son of Nun, is one of the most famous Old Testament heroes in the Bible. Let me give you a few more hints and maybe you can figure out who I am talking about.

  • He was Moses’ right hand man.
  • Moses changed his name.
  • He was one of two men the children of Israel wanted to stone because he did not fear the people of Canaan.
  • He was the Old Testament Jesus.

Still not sure about Mr. Salvation, well, his story is worth knowing because he was a symbolic picture of the future Messiah.  In Numbers 13 Moses sent out one man from each tribe of Israel to search the land of Canaan.  From the tribe of Ephraim, Moses chose a man named Hosea.  Hosea is a Hebrew word which means: to save, saved or salvation.  Most of you probably still don’t recognize this person because Moses changed his name from Hosea to Yehoshua.  So instead of just salvation his name became YA is Salvation, Moses added the shorten form of YHWH to his name. The English equivalent of the Hebrew, Yehoshua is Joshua.  It was Joshua who conquered Jericho and it was Joshua who led Israel into the promised land of Canaan.

Sadly, due to the evolution of language and the transition of the Bible from Hebrew to Greek to English one of the most beautiful Messianic “types” in the Bible has been obscured today.  The Old Testament hero who led Israel into the promised land is known as Joshua. Did you know the Greek version of his name is Jesus?  Yes, Jesus = Joshua = Yehoshua and means Salvation of YA or YA is Salvation!  Think about that for a minute.  Doesn’t that give a different perspective to both the Old Testament Joshua and the New Testament Jesus?  They both have the same name.

Now back to Mr. Salvation or as we shall now call him Joshua.  Joshua’s father was Nun.  Nun means fish or posterity.  In a way Joshua could be considered the son of a fisher man. Appropriate then that in the New Testament, Jesus’ disciples were “fishers of men”.

When we consider Joshua as a “type” or foreshadowing of Christ the entry into the Promised Land takes on new meaning. Moses, to whom was given the law, was not allowed to enter.  It was under the leadership of Jesus/Joshua, after 40 years of wandering, that Israel finally received the Promise.

John 1:17   17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus [Joshua] Christ.


Book 1
Book I - Description

The 13th Enumeration
"A book that will change how you look at the Bible's Messianic Symbolism."

Book 2
Book 2 - Description

Daniel's 70 Weeks -
"A book that will forever change how you understand the Bible's greatest Messianic prophecy."

Book 3
Book 3 - Description

The Jubilee Code -
"A book that will show you real Biblical evidence for Yahweh's guiding in hand history bringing about His redemptive plan for mankind."



Typos, Errors and Corrections

Over the past several months since The 13th Enumeration has been published I have found several typos and errors which were missed in the editing process.  Several readers of the book have graciously pointed out a few errors as well.

As part of my ongoing efforts to improve the 13th Enumeration I thought I would make a blog post to keep track of the errors and changes I have or will be making to the book.  If you have read the book and found a mistake you would like to tell me about please feel free to post them here.


  • In David Johnson’s prime list I added the number 21.  I’m still not sure how I included it in the list but thankfully it was a typo and it did not alter the premise of the book.
  • Zane’s notes in the Kindle version of the book were hard to read.
  • When Zane took Rachel to dinner I used matradee instead of Maitre d’.  (Thanks Susan)
  • When Darius presents the Persian artifact at the dedication of the Museum I wrote the 12th year of Darius.  Embarrassingly, I transposed the number and it should have read the 21st year.
  • Page 442 “Anton looked at “this” should be “his”
  • Page 461 should be cocked not caulked
  • Photos 1-2, 4-6, 8-14, 16-22, 24, 26-42, 44-49, 51-60, 62-74 – Inconsistent indentions with the rest
  • Photo 3 – That was a fun! (That was fun!)
  • Photo 7- Many of those who became poisoned… (Did you mean ‘were’?)
  • Photo 15 – I was suppose… (I was supposed…)
  • Photo 23 – ima (Ima) 
  • Photo 24 – “”When… (“When…)
  • Photo 25 – *Marcus called himself Marco. It was not mentioned anywhere that it was his nickname
  • Photo 43 – So far as you know no, one else… (So far as you know, no one else…)
  • Photo 50 – …it don’t think it was a coincidence. (…I don’t think it was a coincidence.)  ***Thank you for the help Glitter ***
  • Chapter 47: At the edge of the water he said down.


The 13th Symbol – corrections
Font on back cover of printed book.
Missing LLC. on spine.
p.76 “Internet” not capitalized
p.76 remove 2nd “who” in first paragraph.
p. 121 plan should be spelled plane
p. 137 Major and General are both used to refer to the same person
p. 321 Daniel was not throw into the furnace.


Daniel’s 70 Weeks: The Keystone of Bible Prophecy

  • Part II chapter 8 Kish should be the great grand father of Mordecai not the great-great grandfather.
  • Update the chart on the Course of Abia to correct the 6th month / 10th month.
  • Curtesy of Braxton D. “I was rereading your section in Daniel’s 70 Weeks about the cubit, etc., and I think you’ve misplaced a decimal point. A quarter arouras in circular area would have a circumference of 3,652.49 inches, not 365.25. “ 2060.7 x 2060.7 = 4,246,484.49 sq inches
    Divide by 4 = 1,061,621.1225 sq inches for a quarter
    If this is the area of a circle, divide by pi (33,7924.784), and take the square root to get the radius: 581.313 inches
    2 x 581.313 = the diameter of 1,162.63 inches
    x pi = circumference of 3,652.49 inches


Book 1
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The 13th Enumeration
"A book that will change how you look at the Bible's Messianic Symbolism."

Book 2
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Daniel's 70 Weeks -
"A book that will forever change how you understand the Bible's greatest Messianic prophecy."

Book 3
Book 3 - Description

The Jubilee Code -
"A book that will show you real Biblical evidence for Yahweh's guiding in hand history bringing about His redemptive plan for mankind."


The Ancient Origins of the Cubit

Author’s Note: Since my teenage years I’ve loved to investigate subjects which are related in some way to ancient history and the Bible.   During the late 19th century and the early 20th century there was much interest and many books written about the Great Pyramid.  Many of these books claimed the Great Pyramid was an ancient chronograph and contained hidden scientific knowledge.  Some even claimed a connection to Biblical history.   I don’t intent to discuss the veracity of those claims in this current article but I would like to address a related subject.

 The subject of this current article is the origins of the ancient cubit and its relationship to linear measure and geometry.  Many of the ideas in this present essay have their origins in those books from the turn of the 19th century.  I have tried to condense and simplify some of the ideas and principles.  I can only take credit for trying to refresh some of their great research.  After over 20 years of investigation I am humbled by how ignorant we are of the past.  I am equally astounded by how much those ancient “primitive” civilizations knew.  As this article will demonstrate those civilizations used advanced mathematical concepts in normal everyday life, concepts that modern science did not “discover” until thousands of years later. So without further introduction I hope you enjoy:


The Ancient Origins of the Cubit: Its Basis in Linear Measure and Geometry

The cubit is a unit of measure which was used across the ancient world.  It was defined by a unit of measure related to our modern inch.  While the exact date and origin of the inch based system has not been determined in history, it is represented in almost every culture with only a very slight variation over thousands of years. Interestingly, the original primitive “inch” seems to have represented a fraction of the polar diameter of the earth. It is approximately a 1/500,000,000th fraction of this polar diameter. Pretty amazing considering its antiquity.
Up until the French revolution the inch based system was without rival. It is the basis for the foot, yard, furlong, cubit, mile, and numerous other specific measurements. The table below was compiled by Piazzi Smyth. It is found in his book The Great Pyramid.  He was the astronomer-royal for Scotland in the late nineteenth century. His list shows the value of the inch in various cultures as a fraction of the foot. Our modern inch today is closely related to the British inch. One of the oldest surviving representation of the inch is found in the Pyramid of Gizeh. The entire system of geometry represented in this ancient structure is based on an inch. This ancient or for lack of a better term “primitive” (P) inch is equal to P = 1.0011” British inches. Ancient Greece is credited with the discovery of modern mathematics and geometry. But upon close examination each “great” Greek scholar was “inspired” only after a period of time spent in Ancient Egypt.   The fact of the matter is that ancient Egypt showed a knowledge of Pi and other complex mathematical relationships  long before the Greeks showed up and borrowed the ideas.   Some of Egypt’s most basic linear and square measures are derived from Pi.

Today one of the most misunderstood and confused measurements of ancient origin is the cubit. Some claim the cubit is approximately 18”, while others claim 20”.   Most evidence today points to a variation of one of these two measurements.    In ancient Egypt there is also evidence of another cubit of 25”.   According to Petrie and others this cubit saw use when Egypt was under Semitic influence.

The two most widely recognized forms of the cubit are merely an expression of the relationship between the year of 365.25 days and pi. (3.14159). In ancient Egypt the Aroura was an area measurement equal to the expression of this relationship.   In Egypt the year was sometimes called a quarter (1/4). This “quarter” was the geometrical expression of a circle whose circumference was 3652.5”.   This circle or “quarter” had a diameter of 1162.6” and was equal to a “quarter” of an Aroura.  4 of these “quarters” were equal to 1 Aroura. In order to further simplify this relationship a rectangle Aroura of 1162.6 P” x 3652.5 P” was developed.   This rectangle was the equivalent area measure of 4 of the 1/4 Aroura circles.   This rectangular Aroura was then expressed as a square Aroura of 2060.7” x 2060.7”.    A linear cubit was then derived from 1/100th of the side of this square Aroura.  A square cubit was equal to 1/10,000th of this square Aroura.  The following table expresses these relationships.

The second cubit used in ancient Egypt was also a variation on the relationship between the 365.25 day year and Pi.  This cubit was the Egyptian Pi “rod” cubit or circumferential cubit.  This cubit or rod measurement was a fractional measure of  half  the circumference of this 1/4 Aroura “year” circle of  3652.5”.   This linear cubit measure was equal to 18.2625” and was a linear expression of the relationship between the radius of a “year” circle and its circumference.   The next two tables show the means by which the Pi / year relationship was expressed and  the means by which both cubits were derived.    They also show the relationship between these Egyptian cubits and their inch and diametric divisions.

Horapollo in his Hieroglyphics, Bk I, v. stated the following concerning the relationship between the Egyptian year and the Aroura: To represent the current year, they (the Egyptians) depicted the fourth part of an aroura:  now the aroura is a measure of land of  an hundred cubits.  And when they would express a year they say a quarter.”

Hereodotus makes a similar statement:  “the aroura is a square of a hundred cubits, the Egyptian cubit being the same as the Samian.” 

As you can see the cubit of 20.607” and 18.26” both had origins in practical geometry and linear measure. Most cubit approximations today are based on one of these two cubits. A cubit then is a linear measure expressing the relationship between the 365.25 day year and Pi.   This relationship is the reason the ancient Egyptians sometimes expressed the year in hieroglyphics as either a square or a circle.

The evidence for a sacred cubit of Semitic origins is compelling as well.    It is claimed by Davidson and others that Mr. Flinders Petrie, the eminent Egyptologist, found that the 25” cubit was used in Egypt during the XVIII Dynasty. (I have not been able to verify this claim as a reader graciously pointed out to me recently.) This was a period of time when the Egyptian culture was heavily influenced by Semitic culture. According to him the  25” cubit is only found during periods of Semitic influence.    Mr. Petrie also found the half-cubit or “foot” appeared in Babylonia as a foot of 12.5”. In Greece this “foot” was 12.44-12.62 B” (British inches) in Eturia it averaged 12.47 B”.

In the 10th century the “foot” was shortened to 12”. This became the legal foot since that time. For an extended period of time the 12” legal foot competed with the old half-cubit foot (12.5”) of antiquity.  Evidence for this is found in several places but one of the most compelling modern examples is found on the statue of Richard I from  1199 AD.   An inscription on this statue defines an acre as follows: “40 perches in length and 4 in breadth and every perch of 16 feet in length”  

According to this inscription the perch was only 16 feet in length.  A modern perch on the other hand is 16.5 feet in length.   The discrepancy is obvious when it is realized that a foot at the time of this inscription was 12.5” in length while the modern foot was shortened to only 12”.    Therefore the perch at the time of Richard I was 200” in length while the modern perch is 198”.   The modern perch being lengthened so that it could maintain its value (within 1%) relative to the inch as defined by the shortened 12” foot.

It is interesting to note that Sir Isaac Newton had a great interest in the length of the cubit.  His interest it seems was based upon his belief that the cubit and by extension the inch were relative to the astronomical measurements he needed to confirm his gravitational theories.  Isaac Newton in his Dissertation on Cubits narrowed the value of the Hebrew or “Sacred Cubit” to approximately 23-27” in length.   He used the following 7 points to arrive at his conclusion.  All values are calculated in British inches.  1 British inch = 1.0011 primitive inches.

1. By investigation of Talmudist’s and Josephus’ in reference to the Greek cubit he calculated the range of the Hebrew cubit to 24.3 – 31.24”
2. From Talmudist’s proportion to the human body 23.28 – 27.94”
3. From Josephus’ description of the pillars of the Temple 23.28 – 27.16”.
4. By calculation of a Sabbath days journey 23.28 – 27.16”
5. By Talmudist’s and Josephus’ description of the Inner Court 23.28 – 26.19”
6. By proportion to the Chaldaic and Hebrew cubit to that of the cubit of Memphis 24.83”
7. Statement of Mersennus as to a supposed copy of the “sacred cubit of the Hebrews” 24.91”

Newton’s calculations show it is very likely that the Hebrew sacred cubit was 25” .   This would agree with Petrie statements as to the Semitic origins of the 25” cubit in ancient Egypt.  This 25” cubit is  inferred  in the Egyptian record (shown in the table above) by the division of their cubit into 25 diametric units.  This division into 25 diametric units likely facilitated the conversion of the cubit  between the Egyptian and Semitic units of measure.

The use of a 25” cubit as evidenced by the 12.5” (half cubit) foot in Babylon, Europe, and the British Isles could well be explained by the Semitic migration from Mesopotamia and Egypt.    The famous Stonehenge is but a large scale representation of these relationships.  The outer stone ring as measured by Petrie gives a diameter of 1168 British inches.  Thus showing a 1/4 Aroura fits precisely inside the outer stone circle.  Contrary to popular belief today, Stonehenge was not originally designed as a place of occult religious practice.   Quite to the contrary, it showed the advanced nature and understanding of that early civilization.  They designed and built with stone a highly accurate structure showing the relationship between linear measure, plane geometry, Pi, and the solar year.  This circle of stones created a type of mammoth astronomical almanac.   This  almanac gives precise mathematical and astronomical calculations which mankind was not fully able to appreciate or understand again until our modern era, thousands of years later.

In summary then, the cubits of ancient Egypt were used as both a linear and square measure which eloquently expressed the relationship between the solar year of 365.25 days and Pi.   Both cubit measures express an advanced knowledge of mathematics and geometry as well as an awareness of advanced astronomical relationships.  It is also apparent that an additional cubit of 25” was used at times in Egyptian history during periods of Semitic influence.   The origin and basis for this cubit are not as clear.    Based on existing evidence though, it seems the 25” cubit was used in places were Semitic influence was prevalent.   This 25” cubit likely being one of the cubits used by the Hebrew people in the Biblical record.

1.  Primitive inch = 1.0011 British inches
2.  12.5” =  1 Primitive Foot
3.  25” = 1 Semitic Cubit
4.  A primitive Perch or Rod = 16 feet, each foot of 12.5”
5.  A primitive Perch or Rod was equal to 200 primitive inches
6.  A primitive Perch or Rod was  = to 8 Semitic cubits
7.  40 Perch or Rod = 1 furlong
8.  8000 primitive inches = 1 primitive furlong
9.  8 furlong = 1 mile
10. 1 mile = 64000 primitive inches
11. 320 Semitic cubits = 1 furlong
12. 2560 Semitic cubits = 1 mile

Book 1
Book I - Description

The 13th Enumeration
"A book that will change how you look at the Bible's Messianic Symbolism."

Book 2
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Daniel's 70 Weeks -
"A book that will forever change how you understand the Bible's greatest Messianic prophecy."

Book 3
Book 3 - Description

The Jubilee Code -
"A book that will show you real Biblical evidence for Yahweh's guiding in hand history bringing about His redemptive plan for mankind."


Liberty & Freedom

See if you can identify these quotes:

Live Free or Die?

“But certainly our hands are still at liberty, and have a sword in them: let them then be subservient to us in our glorious design; let us die before we become slaves under our enemies, and let us go out of the world, together with our children and our wives, in a state of freedom.”

Enjoy Our Liberty

“Is it not that we may enjoy our liberty? Besides, shall we not bear the lords of the habitable earth to be lords over us, and yet bear tyrants of our own country?  Although I must say that submission to foreigners may be borne, because fortune has already doomed us to it, while submission to wicked people of our own nation is too unmanly, and brought upon us by our own consent.”

A Venerable and Just Man

“He was on other accounts also a venerable, and a very just man; and besides the grandeur of that nobility, and dignity, and honour of which he was possessed, he had been a lover of a kind of equality; even with regard to the lowest of the people;  he was a prodigious lover of liberty, and an admirer of a democracy in government; and did ever prefer the public welfare before his own advantage, and preferred peace above all things; for he was thoroughly sensible…….”

Preserving Our Freedom

To be sure, we weakly hoped to have preserved ourselves, and ourselves alone, still in a state of freedom, as if we had been guilty of no sins ourselves against God, nor been partners with those of others; we also taught other men to preserve their liberty.  Therefore, consider how God has convinced us that our hopes were in vain, by bringing such distress upon us in the desperate state we are now in, and which is beyond all our expectations;”

Brave Men Who Struggled for Liberty?

“Truly, I was greatly mistaken when I thought to be assisting to brave men who struggled hard for their liberty, and to such as were resolved either to live with honour, or else to die;  but I find that you are such people as are no better than others, either in virtue or in courage, and are afraid of dying, though you be delivered thereby from the greatest miseries, while you ought to make no delay in this matter, nor to await anyone to give you good advice;   for the laws of our country, and of God himself, have, from ancient times, and as soon as ever we could use our reason, continually taught us, and our forefathers have corroborated the same doctrine by their actions and by their bravery of mind, that it is life that is a calamity to men, and not death;  for this last affords our souls their liberty,……..

Recovering Liberty:

“However, as to the desire of recovering your liberty, it is unseasonable to indulge it so late; whereas you ought to have laboured earnestly in olden time that you might never have lost it; for the first experience of slavery was hard to be endured, and the struggle that you might never have been subject to it would have been just;  but that slave who has been once brought into subjection, and then runs away, is rather a refractory slave than a lover of liberty;”

Book 1
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The 13th Enumeration
"A book that will change how you look at the Bible's Messianic Symbolism."

Book 2
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Daniel's 70 Weeks -
"A book that will forever change how you understand the Bible's greatest Messianic prophecy."

Book 3
Book 3 - Description

The Jubilee Code -
"A book that will show you real Biblical evidence for Yahweh's guiding in hand history bringing about His redemptive plan for mankind."



The 1st Jubilee

As a student of Biblical history and ancient chronology there are few subjects more elusive and intriguing to me than the Sabbath and Jubilee cycles in the Bible. The following article is part of my research into the Jubilee and Sabbath cycles.  It might surprise some of you to learn that the 1st Jubilee mentioned in the Scripture was a jubilee of days.

As with other of my articles which have graphics and charts I have reproduced this in a series of pictures.  If you need it larger for reading you can use (Ctrl +) or just click on each image.  I hope you enjoy the article. – William Struse

Book 1
Book I - Description

The 13th Enumeration
"A book that will change how you look at the Bible's Messianic Symbolism."

Book 2
Book 2 - Description

Daniel's 70 Weeks -
"A book that will forever change how you understand the Bible's greatest Messianic prophecy."

Book 3
Book 3 - Description

The Jubilee Code -
"A book that will show you real Biblical evidence for Yahweh's guiding in hand history bringing about His redemptive plan for mankind."



Day of the Dead

 Authors note: This blog post has been updated with a new article: Halloween and the Bible

Book 1
Book I - Description

The 13th Enumeration
"A book that will change how you look at the Bible's Messianic Symbolism."

Book 2
Book 2 - Description

Daniel's 70 Weeks -
"A book that will forever change how you understand the Bible's greatest Messianic prophecy."

Book 3
Book 3 - Description

The Jubilee Code -
"A book that will show you real Biblical evidence for Yahweh's guiding in hand history bringing about His redemptive plan for mankind."