Tag Archives: Mystery Babylon

Homo Deus

(Part 11 in the Mystery Babylon Series)

“For 300 years the world has been dominated by humanism, which sanctifies the life, happiness and power of Homo sapiens. The attempt to gain immortality, bliss and divinity merely takes the long-standing humanist ideals to their logical conclusion. It places openly on the table what we have for a long time kept hidden under our napkin. (Harari, Yuval Noah. Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow (p. 65). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.)

The Return to Eden
You know it seems to me, that we as Christians are often the last to appreciate just how prescient the Continue reading

Symbols of the Harlot – Part V

How many of you recognize the map headlining today’s blog post? What if I told you, that map, drawn by Major Pierre Charles L’Enfant (a Freemason from the Holland Lodge No. 8 at 66 Crown Street, New York City), was more than just the basis for what would become the most powerful city in the history of the world, but that this map also connected the lives of several Continue reading

Symbols of the Harlot – Part IV



Nearly everyone recognizes the images reproduced in this week’s blog post. In fact, nearly every American citizen and a great many citizens of the world have held a version of these famous American symbols in their hand over the course of their life.

To some the symbol on the left represents (among other things) the benevolence and watchfulness of God over the founding of our new nation. To others, especially over the past century, the symbol has become tangible evidence of some grand conspiracy originated by our founding fathers.

As with many versions of history, the truth is sometimes more complicated and fascinating than either side is often willing to admit. Today, let’s explore the Great Seal of the United States, that famous symbol of patriots and conspiracy theorists. Continue reading

Symbols of the Harlot – Part III


I’ve got a challenge for you. How many of you can tell me where the painting headlined in this week’s blog post is found, the name of the man in the purple robes, and the meaning of the painting? I’ll give you a hint. The theme of the painting expresses some of the same symbolism as my last blog post Symbols of the Harlot – Part II.

Before I tell you who and what the painting is about, the history surrounding the painting’s location is another fantastic example of the adage that truth is often stranger than fiction.

Our adventure begins in roughly 509 BC on Capitoline Hill in ancient Rome. That hill, one of ancient Rome’s famous seven hills, was Continue reading

Symbols of the Harlot

In the past several blog posts we’ve learned that humanism and its modern incarnation secular humanism is but a repackaging of Satan’s original lie told to Adam and Eve in Eden. That lie promised mankind that if they eat of the tree of the “knowledge of good and evil” their eyes would be “opened” and they would become gods. To simplify then, “humanism” is the belief that mankind is on the evolutionary path to Godhood. According to the humanist, we, not Yahweh, are the masters of our own destiny.

In the last two blog posts Conspiracies of the Harlot (Part I & II) we explored Freemasonry, one of the most influential proponents of secular humanism over the past several centuries. As I’ve tried to make clear in these articles, Masonry is Continue reading

Conspiracies of the Harlot – Part II

So where did we go wrong? How did the America of today fall so far from its Judeo-Christian roots? Today we blame America’s problems on Democrats, Republicans, immigrants, Islam, the wealthy, the poor, neocons, etc. Each of these and many more reasons are given to explain America’s downward spiral, but none of these really explain why immorality exploded in the 20th century.

Although a Judeo-Christian world view sees mankind as fallen and naturally inclined to lawlessness and rebellion, America, up until the early 1900’s still had a cultural code based in Biblical morality. America’s colleges, schools, and universities in many cases were founded by deeply religious people with a Biblical world view in mind. Then something happened which undermined Continue reading

Babylon and the Harlot

In Revelation 17 & 18 it describes a great idolatrous city which reigns over the kings of the earth in the period of time leading up to the return of Yeshua. That this is no ordinary city is made clear by Revelation 18:24 where it tells us this city is responsible for the blood of the “prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.”

Think about that for a moment. This city is the responsible for all those slain upon the earth. So not only does this Mystery Babylon represent an actually literal city at the end of this age, but it also transcends Continue reading

The Religion of the Harlot

In our quest to expose the religion of Mystery Babylon, we need to go back to the beginning when the Serpent (Satan) first introduced mankind to his world view. It was in Eden, that pristine garden of God where Satan planted his evil seeds of pride and rebellion in the hearts of our ancestors. As we will see, it was those seeds which gave rise to the sin which has plagued mankind for the past 6000 years of Biblical history. As the apostle John explains, it was because of this sin that Yeshua, the salvation of YHWH, was sent to redeem mankind:

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8)

Let’s now look closer at mankind’s fall in Eden and the “works of the devil” as John describes them, to try and understand how they have influenced mankind’s thinking ever since. Continue reading