File-13, Case #13-1
Discovered the key to the Secret:
William Colgate (1753-1857) Early American entrepreneur and soap manufacturer. (Colgate/Palmolive)
Devout Baptist who helped found the Baptist Education Society in 1817 with 13 men, 13 dollars, 13 prayers, and 13 articles. This organization later evolved into Colgate University located at 13 Oak Drive in Hamilton, NY, 13346. As part of Colgate tradition, alumni are encouraged to wear Colgate apparel every Friday the 13th. The senior honor society, Konosioni, is composed of 13 women and 13 men.
William Colgate’s power and influence extended into banking and politics through the efforts of himself and his sons. James Colgate was a founding member of the New York Gold Exchange which was instrumental in getting a gold standard established in America. The Colgates were also part of the Triennial Baptists who were instrumental in getting Abraham Lincoln elected. During the panic of 1873, J.B.Colgate & Company Bank under James Colgate’s direction loaned the United States money which helped avert an economic collapse.
In 2001, a brickwork symbol was discovered on a building at 211 Pearl Street. This building was built by William Colgate in 1832. 211 Pearl Street was one of Colgate’s most valued properties and was willed to his children with the stipulation that it could not be sold for 15 years after his death. Due to the dedicated efforts of Alan Solomon, the brickwork symbol was preserved, even though the building was eventually torn down several years after the discovery of the symbol.

What is the Secret of the Pearl Street Symbol?
Can you solve it? 211 Pearl Street Challenge.
File-13, Case #13-2
May have known the key to the Secret. (Doubtful)
This forgotten man was a German chemist and secret agent for Abraham Lincoln. His services as a secret agent were so valued President Lincoln paid him $200 from his personal account. President Lincoln also helped this agent receive a commission to establish the 113th cavalry regiment.
After Lincoln's death he was responsible for finishing the most visible monument in Washington D.C. His work can be seen for over 30 miles away, yet it is small enough that hundreds of men, women, and children have stepped over it.
This agent was also responsible for a clever display of symbolism that few people today are aware of. A case could be made that his symbolic display was a "bitter" testimony to those he thought responsible for the murder of Abraham Lincoln. The official story is he ended his life with a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
Who is this agent of Abraham Lincoln? What was his symbolic code? What does it have in common with William Colgate’s symbol?
The Latin term for "bitter salt" and its atomic number are clues to solving this history mystery.
File-13, Case #13-3
Knew the key to the Secret:
This little known founding father was a devout Christian. He is arguably one of most influential statesmen of the early Republic as well as the most continuous figure in the formative years of our government. After his retirement he spent over 20 years translating the Scriptures into English. He is responsible for the first English translation of the Septuagint and the first American English translation of the Greek New Testament.
Paradoxically, he is the person who was responsible for what many people today consider the symbol of the most notorious secret society in history. This secret society was the subject of a letter written by George Washington to Rev. G.W. Snyder in August of 1798.
What few people know, is this devout Christian was also responsible for the most blatantly Messianic symbol in American history. His Messianic symbol also gives a grave warning.
His symbol is a key which unlocks the secret of The 13th Enumeration. One of his symbols also has something in common with the 211 Pearl Street symbol on William Colgate’s building.
Who was he and what were his symbols?
There is a connection between this mans symbols and the picture below

click on thumb for more info.
File-13, Case #13-4
Almost discovered the key to the Secret:
In his own words this man was a “anglicized Irishman of Scottish extraction”. He was appointed assistant commissioner of Scotland Yard at the beginning of the investigation into the Jack the Ripper murders. Some conspiracy theorists claim he was part of a Masonic conspiracy to cover up the Ripper murders. After he retired in 1901 he was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath. His role in the Ripper investigation has been discussed in numerous articles and at least two fictional books.
A devout Christian, he knew some of the great Biblical teachers of his day. Cyrus Scofield, E.W. Bullinger and John Nelson Darby were among his circle of associates and friends. He was a respected Biblical scholar in his own right. His book “Human Destiny” was considered “the most valuable contribution on the subject”, according to C. H. Spurgeon.
What few Christians and conspiracy theorist know is that one of this man’s books is the basis for much of modern day fundamentalist Christian thought regarding 2nd Temple era Biblical Chronology and New Testament Eschatology. His one book has had profound influence on Christian thought on the following Biblical subjects:
The Persian chronology
The identity of “Artaxerxes”
The 2nd Temple era chronology
The chronology of Ezra & Nehemiah
A seven year period of end times tribulation
The timing of the Rapture
Biblical “time”
The 2nd coming of Jesus
A covenant confirmed by the Anti-Christ
The millennial kingdom
The timing and order of the book of Revelation
Biblical dispensationalism
The basis for the restoration of the Jewish people to the land of Israel. (His book was written before this became fact)
Who was this man? What was the name of his book which has so influence Christian thought? Was he a hero or a villain? Finally, what is his connection to the other members of FILE-13?
File-13, Case #13-5
Possibly part of a conspiracy to cover up the Secret:
One of the most recognizable faces in American history, this man was a statesman, philosopher, scientist, writer, and inventor. Of the early founding fathers, of who it is said had connections to secret societies, this man’s connections are the most well established. He created the first currency of the 13 colonies. This currency had no denomination but was rich in symbolism. The key to deciphering the symbolism on this currency is found in his connections to two of the world’s most famous secret societies.
File-13, Case #13-6
Author of a list which history will record as one of the greatest ciphers of all time.
This 1st century customs official was responsible for a list which connects the lives of most all the men listed here. This list is the key to The 13th Enumeration.
Who was he and what is his famous list?
The coin below is from his era.

File-13, Case #13-7
This man was a Babylonian magician. History will bare record that his writings have been some of the most influential and insightful of the last 2500 years. He was one of the most powerful men of his generation
If you figure out who this man is you will be well on your way to understanding the secret of The 13th Enumeration.
File-13, Case #13-8
Spent most of his life searching for the secret.

This influential man believed the Bible contained a hidden code, the sacred 25” cubit was the key to diameter of the earth and the Great Pyramid contained hidden scientific facts. He also predicted the end of this age would not take place until after 2060 AD.
He was a renown scientist who advanced our understanding of calculus, mathematics, optics, and gravitational theory. Even though he is most remembered for his scientific writings, his writings on religion were more extensive. It is debated whether this man or Albert Einstein had a greater influence on the history of science.
Was he crazy, a genius, a religious fanatic, or something else? What hidden code was he looking for in the pages of the Bible. How is his quest related to secret of The 13th Enumeration?
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*Americans born between 1961-1981 are considered the 13th generation. This according to William Strauss and Neil How.
*President Obama is the 1st President of the 13th generation.
*In 2012 there are 3 Friday the 13th.
*2012 ends the 13th b'ak'tun of the Mayan calendar. (
*Sarah Winchester (widow of William Winchester of Winchester repeating arms) was obsessed with 13. Every Friday the 13th a bell was rung 13 times. Sarah Winchesters house had a chandelier which held 13 candles, drain covers with 13 holes, stair cases with 13 stairs. She had many other examples of 13 incorporated throughout her house. Her house was under almost continuous construction, it was never completed.
*The Prohibition lasted for 13 years. From 1920-1933.
* On Sept. 13, 1789 the United States government took out is first loan from New York banks. The rest as they say, is history……….
*The 13th amendment abolished slavery.
* In February of 2013 a meteorite will pass the earth at a distance of 16,700 miles, closer than some of our satellites.
*Hindu tradition celebrates Maha Shivaratri. The 13th night of the waxing moon.
*There are 13 loaves in a bakers dozen.
*In Scandinavia the 13 day of December is the Saint Lucia celebration.
*The 13th year is a lace anniversary.
*Rhode Island was the 13
th state.
*The beginning of the 13
th book of Homer begins with
“The Mysian close-fighting bands, And dwellers on Scythian lands. (Philo Cnt 1:17) The quote about Homer came from Philo, a first century Jewish author and Biblical Philo-sopher.
*On Friday, October 13, 1307, Jacques de Molay and many French Templars were arrested.
* Benjamin Franklins 13th virtue was Humility. “Imitate Jesus and Socrates.”
*There are 52 weeks in a year. (13x4.)
*Apollo 13 was launched April 11, 1970 at 13:13 CST. On April 13 an explosion occurred which disabled the spacecraft.
*In the rotunda of the nations capital George Washington is painted surrounded by 13 maidens.
*The Enola Gay, on mission #13, after a 13 hour flight dropped the 1st atomic bomb on Japan. There were 13 crew members.
*The Cuban missile crisis was 13 days long.
*The Fatima Vision occurred on May 13, 1914.
*On May 13, 1981 there was an assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II.
*12 jurors and 1 judge make 13.
*On Friday the 13 in Port Dover Ontario, Canada, the PD13, a nonprofit organization organizes a huge motorcycle rally.
*Norse legend has it that 12 gods were at a banquet in Valhalla, when the god of mischief, Loke showed up. He was responsible the ensuing chaos and the death of one of the good gods, Balder.
*In Brazil, a Friday the 13th in August is worse than any other month. Because agosto rhymes with desgosto (sorrow).
*There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.(2x13) M is the 13th letter. Mem is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
*Michael Jordan play 13 seasons with the Bulls and 13 all-star games.
*Napoleon Bonaparte feared the number 13. As did J. Paul Getty and Herbert Hoover.
*The Irish Nationalist leader, Charles Parnell, never signed a bill that contained 13 clauses.
*In 2013 there will be 13 full moons. August will have a blue moon.
* Franklin Delano Roosevelt was particularly superstitious of the number 13.
*Russia lost 13 days when they changed to the Gregorian calendar.
*Pope Gregory the 13th began his papacy on May 13, 1572 . He also founded the Greek College on May 13, 1577.
*Mary Kay believed the number 13 was lucky. Her headquarters had 13 floors and 13 passenger elevators. Her company was founded on Friday, 13 of September in 1963.
*The first known 13 Club was founded by Capt. William Fowler on Friday the 13, 1881. 13 guests were present.
*Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743.
*Millard Fillmore was the 13th President of the United States. He was the last president of the Whig party.
*Over 70,000 people gathered in Fatime on October 13th, 1917
*Ludwig von Beethoven wrote Sonata Op.#13 (Sonata Pathetique) for Masonic friend and benefactor, Prince Karl von Lichnowsky.
*Telesto the 13th moon of Saturn.
Leda the 13th moon of Jupiter.
Neso is the 13th moon of Neptune.
Rosalind is the 13th moon of Uranus. Named after daughter of banished Duke in William shakespear’s play “As you Like It.
*friggatriskaidekaphobia is fear of Friday the 13th. It is estimated this superstition cost our economy over 8-900 million each year. This year is will cost over 2.5 Billion.
13 in Biblical History:
* On October 13, Lucius Lentulus decrees the Jews who are Roman citizens could be dismissed on account of their religious rites. (Ant.14)
*It took King Solomon 13 years to build his own house.
*There were 13 High priests from days of Moses to Solomon. (Ant20)
*There were “13 kinds of sweet smelling spices” used upon the altar of incense. (Josephus War5:218)
*Titus, Roman general who laid siege to Jerusalem with 13 garrisons. (War 5:508) Later as Roman Emperor he died 13 Sept. 81.
*From the death of Moses until the reign of Artaxerxes, the prophets after Moses, wrote down events in 13 books. (Josephus)
*The Maccabees defeat the Seleucid general Nicanor on the 13th of Adar. This day is called the “Day of Nicanor”.
* Rambam (Maimonides) set out 13 principles of the Jewish faith. The 13th principle is a belief in the resurrection of the dead.
*The Apostle Paul could be considered the 13
th Apostle.
*Mem is the 13
th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
*There are 13 Famines mentioned in the Bible.
*In Mark 7, Jesus gives 13 things which defile a person.
*“Leaven” occurs 13 times in the New Testament.
*Each of these Hebrew names of GOD in the OT are divisible by 13:
Yahweh = 26(13x2);
Adonai = 65(13x5)
Ha-Elohim = 91(13x7)
*The names of Satan are all divisible by 13. Before he rebelled he was created perfect.(Eze. 28:13-14)
*13 is the age when Ishmael was circumcised and when Jewish young can become Bar Mitzvah.
*The 13th day of the 12 month of the Jewish/Biblical calendar, is a day of joy and celebration for the Jewish People. In the 1st month of the 12th year of the Persian King Ahasuerus, Haman (an enemy of the Jews) began casting lots(pur)to determine how to kill the Jews. 13 months later, on the 13th day of the 1st month of the 13th year of King Ahasuerus, the king gave his permission to Haman. Ahasuerus’ decree granted Persians permission to kill all Jews 12 months later on the 13th day of the 12th month of the 13th year of the King. Due to the heroic intervention of the Persian/Jewish Queen Hadassah the Jewish people turned a day of sorrow into a day of redemption and retribution. Now every year on 13-15th of Adar the Jewish people remember their deliverance with Purim.
In Persian tradition the 13th day of the 1st month is associated with bad luck and ill omen. It is called Sizdah-bedar. Sizdah-bedar means “getting rid/casting out 13”. Many Persian cities are ghost towns as Persians head outdoors to enjoy spring. It was likely this day of “Casting out 13” (Sizdah bedar) that Haman received permission to kill all the Jews in the land of Persia. On Sizdah bedar it is Persian tradition to play practical jokes. Some believe this to be the basis for April fools.
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In the pictures below see if you can find the symbolism related to William Colgate's symbol. The connection is specific and it is a clue to understanding the "American Da Vinci Code" as well as The 13th Enumeration.
Learn more about the American Church in Paris at there website:
The background behind the rail has been removed for clarity.

Here is a close up. Can you find it? "American Church" is the key.